Sun Selector Plastic, Float Bed Plastic, Ground Cover
Ginegar Plastic Products Ltd.
Carolina Greenhouses carries only the best plastic, Ginegar's Sun SelectorTM.
Introducing Sun SelectorTM... the newest and highly advanced, long lasting multi-layer photoselective films for use in greenhouse and tunnel covering applications. Sun SelectorTMfilm combines high-level agronomic research with over 25 years of professional plastics know-how to provide growers world-wide with film that is both technically unique and economically viable. Multi-layer technology with selected additives, provides the right combination of strength, versatility and light transmission. Ginegar Plastic Products is the first agri-film producer to apply new five layer co-extrusion technology in the production of Sun SelectorTMgreenhouse cover. The unique mechanical, optical and thermal characteristics of Sun SelectorTMfilm ensures greater durability, excellent resistance to hostile weather conditions, controlled light penetration, better dust resistance and reduced pest activity.